Take Advantage of Gun Barrel City’s Affordable Cost of Living!
January 27, 2023
Residents who locate in Gun Barrel City are benefiting from a lower cost of living compared to those in other major cities in Texas. Gun Barrel City residents benefit from several state and local advantages, including no property tax! The State of Texas offers residents many tax advantages such as not having to pay any individual or Corporate income tax.
Cost of Living Drives More People to Gun Barrel City Everyday!
The Gun Barrel City Economic Development Corporation (GBCEDC) has a new website which provides several resources and information to help residents compare county and state tax information, a Texas State Comptroller which provides in-depth information on tax information for the state, and State & Local Sales and Use Tax information on retail sales, lease and rentals, and other taxable services. Click here to learn more about the cost of living in Gun Barrel City!