Gun Barrel City Has Highly Ranked, New Schools

Children living in Gun Barrel City attend the Mabank ISD. The award-winning school district strongly believes that no matter what the age, all students are successful learners with the right path and tools. 

Mabank Independent School District has six campuses which have all attained the highest rating “Met Standard” by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Each campus earned more than three Distinctions, including honors for Title I Award School for High Performing and High Progress and Post-Secondary Readiness Closing Performance Gaps. Mabank High School has received numerous high honors, including one of the top 75 high schools in Texas and one of the top 1,000 high schools in the United States. 

Mabank High School extends a prosperous dual credit and Advanced Placement program. 27 dual-credit enrollment opportunities equivalent to 83 college hours and 11 AP credits. Mabank High School offers a wide array of clubs and organizations. Opportunities include Art, Athletics, Band, Theater Arts, award-winning band and choir program, DECA, Foreign Language, Student Council, Speech and Debate, Yearbook and many more. With a goal for each student to find their passion, a wide variety in opportunities guides students to their decisions. 

A strong, ardent Theater Arts program is offered at 7th grade and funnels into a high school performing arts program highly recognized annually by the Dallas Summer Music program. Past performances include Cinderella and Wizard of Oz.

The district offers limitless extra curricular activities for all students ages grades 3-junior high. Experiences created include orchestra, Honor Choir, GIfted and Talented Visual and Performing Arts Program, Archery and Pre-Athletics Classes.


Central Elementary School Photo

Central Elementary School

Lakeview Elementary School Photo

Lakeview Elementary School

Southside Elementary School Photo

Southside Elementary School

Mabank Intermediate School Photo

Mabank Intermediate School

Mabank Junior High School Photo

Mabank Junior High School

Mabank High School Photo

Mabank High School

Open Doors Christian Academy Photo

Open Doors Christian Academy