Gun Barrel City EDC is an expert resource for determining the incentives available for local businesses!
GBC EDC has the ability to provide incentives in the form of loans, grants, and consulting to all different types of businesses locating in or expanding in Gun Barrel City. Businesses looking to Gun Barrel City will realize perhaps the largest incentive is the lack of any city property taxes. But whether the business currently exists in or is new to Gun Barrel City, our extensive research will find the best total package of incentives for your business, centered on real data, such as expected sales taxes paid, jobs created or retained, wages paid, local purchases of products and services, employment gains and more. Special consideration is given to high-demand businesses with bases in medical/health, hospitality, retail, food and dining and distribution, with assistance funding utilized for land lease/purchase, building lease/purchase, rehabilitation, construction, capital equipment purchase, infrastructure improvements or employee training. Before you begin any construction and for zoning questions please check with Gun Barrel City Building Officials for needed permits.